Workout Wisdom #10 - UNE 60-minute Challenge

University of New England 60-minute Challenge

It's about that time for players in the midst of their summer training regimens to ramp up the off-ice a bit with training camps for many teams scheduled for the end of August and games hopefully beginning in September. The key is to be in peak condition during your camp and right as the season starts, not now or in a week from now. Nobody ever won any hockey trophies in July or August. Well, not any important ones, anyway. 

So over the next few weeks before training camp starts, it's time to really push yourselves off the ice, because while you won't want to cut out off-ice workouts once your camp and season starts, you will want to use them to supplement your on-ice training while making sure you have enough time to rest and recover.

Once the season gets going, off-ice training should have more of a maintenance focus than a strength-building focus since building muscle requires breaking it down first, and you have to make sure your body is recovering properly for peak game performance. 

This workout comes straight from Chris Ross, an assistant coach at the University of New England. UNE has become one of the top NCAA Division III hockey programs in the nation over the past several years, fishing the 2019-20 season with a record of 18-5-3 and a No. 12 national ranking. The Nor'easters play in the Commonwealth Coast Conference, which includes Endicott, Salve Regina, Curry, Wentworth, Western New England, Suffolk, Nichols and Becker. Endicott, Curry and UNE spent time ranked among the nation's top 15 last season, and Salve Regina has been a consistent top-15-caliber program most years. 

Coach Ross' workout is a challenging one that focuses on the upper body, with a little bit of core mixed in. It is intended to be performed as a circut, with the goal of completing all 11 exercises in under 60 minutes. With a two-mile run and the circuit component mixed in, the workout also provides a nice cardio component. The faster you are able to complete the workout, the stronger your body and heart are getting. The challenge is to beat your best time each time you complete the workout. Coach Ross' record is a little over 43 minutes. 


UNE HOCKEY 60-Minute Challenge Workout

  1. 2-mile Run
  2. 100 Push-ups
  3. 50 Burpees
  4. 50 Shoulder Presses with 25-pound dumbells 
  5. 50 Rows with 25-pound dumbells 
  6. 25 Pull-ups
  7. 25 Chin-ups
  8. 25 Dips
  9. 25 Bicep Curls with 25-pound dumbells
  10. 25 Tricep Extensions with 25-pound dumbell 
  11. 2-minute Plank